Thursday 30 June 2011




(P/S: Thank you to Jie Jie, Doris, for the writing. It gives life to the piece)

Monday 27 June 2011

Joy of their coming....

Since young, housewife and siblings are not allowed to have any pets at home. To parents, this is a troublesome non-value added job. Therefore, doggies are something new to us. In fact, we scared of doggies because we have never got closer to them.

Ever since the coming of doggies and puppie, the house fills with joy and laughters. Our topic is all about their activities as they have brought so much fun to us. Housewife miss them so much and thanks to sister and brother who always keep housewife updated about these 6 little prince and princess at home....

Trust me, you'll fall in love with them if you meet them one day....

Teddy Bear!! 

My Boy!!

Little Naughty!

Experiences in Bandung...

Hubby and housewife had a little getaway to Bandung last week. Perhaps, the 2 shopaholics had some expectation on the shopping spree and  It ended up with some disappointments. Before the trip, housewife only did homework on ‘where to shop’ where hubby on ‘where to eat”.
For those who are going to Bandung, be smart when doing some study about factory outlets. Factory outlets are what Bandung famous for! Check out the date of the trip review. Housewife did find some recommended factory outlets from the reviews of some travellers but eventually we found out that most of them were closed down. We argued with the taxi driver for bringing us to the wrong place. They were right and we were wrong! The info we have had were not up-to-date. The address was right but the outlets have no longer existed. It really spoilt our shopping mood!
There were some experiences we had in Bandung, be it good or bad.
a. The traffic jam happened anytime anywhere, especially 4 major shopping areas. It sometimes took us an hour to reach a destination within short distance. It’s a pain to be stuck in the jam all the time!
b. There are not many road signs in the city, if you noticed it obviously. Probably they don’t need it. Most of the taxi drivers could simply take a U-turn in the middle of the road whenever they want or go into the road with “No Entry” sign. There are few occasion where the taxi driver made an U-Turn in busy roads and didn't care if it'd cause accident or road jam. Housewife had this palpitation each time taxi driver running risks on the road.
c. Interestingly, when we stuck in the jam or stopped in the traffic light, here come few different group of people playing guitar, selling food or flowers, begging & etc along the road, hoping the car passengers would give them a penny. This is how they earn a living. It etched my heart when seeing children putting their lives on risk by walking along the busy roads to earn every penny they could.
d.  After visiting at least 15 factory outlets (FO) in the city, there’s ONLY one FO, Rumah Mode, that have some overrun/rejected branded clothing but honestly, not as many as they have had over the years. Well, shoppers, open your eyes bigger when choosing one for yourself. Moreover, most of the FO carries ‘pirated’ branded stuff so beware of it. Don’t be blinded by the brands tagged on the clothes or bags. Don’t pay for nothing!
Ok, we also should admit that we had a fruitful shopping spree for ourselves and family although we only shopped in ONE FO. 
e. Not many sightseeing in Bandung unless you want to take about 1.5 hours (or more) journey from city, to visit volcano.
Well, what did housewife and hubby do during this little getaway?
Answer: Eat & Sleep! 
Oh ya, quite happy we managed to watch the finale of TV Series “ House 7” in Bandung. :P

All in all, this is a ‘new’ travel experience we had although we should admit that this is not a place for us to visit again in near future. Who knows we’ll return to the place one day? :) After all, we have had a great time together.  :)

Not many pictures but taken bits and pieces here and there for sharing…

 Airport or Shopping Complex?

Housewife thought it's a shopping complex near airport but in fact, it's airport!

What does it call? It seems like a pet as they were selling it outside complex

Crocodile Fishing???

Feeding crocodile...not fishing...

Street food - sausages!

Indonesian dessert but didn't know its names. It taste quite nice!

We had the most satified meal in this restaurant!

The first "Xiu Long Bao" housewife ever had because it's Pork-free "Xiu Long Bao". Yummy!!!

Our delivery after losing idea what to eat for dinner......

Breakfast @ hotel everyday...

Street food - Bakso. This is nice!

A Food to swallow but not food to savour....

Big No No to plane food!

End of the trip....

Of course, with our fruitful shopping spree....... :P

Monday 20 June 2011

Out-Of- Town Notice

Housewife is out of town (again!) for a short excursion with hubby in Bandung till Sunday!
You may know that Bandung is a shopping paradise. Thus, the 2 shopperholics are going to have shopping spree soon!! :D

Light luggage go and heavey baggage back???!! *blink*blink*

Wish you have a happy week ahead!!

Little Gift of Appreciation to Hubby!

Hubby is always a supporter of housewife and in order to show appreciation to him, housewife made a first attempt on baking. Some of you might know housewife doesn't really show passion or interest in baking. In fact, housewife has never had any baking before. However, hubby has a sweet tooth so housewife had this idea last week, out of the blue, baked the simplest cake - Steamed salted biscuit cake, for him. Well, the simplest one was a challenge to housewife. Butter and egg were everywhere in the kitchen as well as on housewife's face!!! Gosh!

Nevermind, since this is a  little gift of the day to surprise hubby and appreciate his support, encouragement and love all thie while.
Again, he gave his support by grobbling down the cake! hahha...

What a wonderful hubby!!!

Before steaming....



Closed-up view

Hubby said it looks like 2 puppies kissing each other.. haha...

Li-Ning Singapore Open 2011

Last Saturday, housewife registered the first time of watching Li-Ning Singapore Open 2011 Semi-finals in stadium. It was an exciting personal experience! Thanks to hubby for bringing housewife along. :D
Well, our Datuk Lee Chong Wei skipped Singapore Open to save energy for Indonesia Open (too bad! Housewife wanted to see the match between Lindan and Datuk Lee!) so housewife’s focus was on Lindan. LOL… sorry, housewife wasn’t good in badminton games and has limited knowledge about the players. The only thing housewife knew was housewife lost the bet to hubby when Lindan lost to Datuk Lee in All England 2011 so housewife wished to win the bet again…. :P
The matches were great but housewife looked forward to see Lin Dan, just like many audiences there.  Heheh… When came to the match between Peter Gade and Lindan, everyone were so excited and you could see many people stood up with camera just for some shooting of Lin Dan. He’s really a superstar!
However, Lin Dan withdrew from the match last-minute during finals, claiming he had gastroenteritis. (Luckily hubby suggested to go for semi-finals.. heheh..) His withdrawal definitely upset audience especially his supporters. Heard that the crowds booing him when he apologized on court.
Alright, here’re some pictures housewife took … :D
Li-Ning Singapore Open 2011

See, Lin Dan from far

Match between Lindan & Peter Gade

Lindan lost to Gade for the first match!

Lindan fought the match...

Finally, Lindan receovered from the set down against Peter Gade to win 20-22, 21-17, 21-15 and
the audience started to capture the moments of him....

Thursday 16 June 2011

Painting & Sketching of the Week

After few lessons, housewife decided to pick up sketching skill too.

Here you go for painting and sketching of the week.....


 Mangosteen & Vase

First Attempt(s) in the Kitchen

After being housewife, there're many first attempts in the kitchen. Sometimes, housewife made the kitchen upside down for the first attempt of new recipe. LOL

Of course, housewife is blessed to have parents and mother-in-law who are good in cooking. Therefore, housewife has got many recipies from them and needless to say, there're "live" recipe which housewife can call for help anytime.. :P

There's many recipe housewife has missed taking photos but nevermind, share some easy-to-prepare dishes with you...

Let the pictures speaks....

a. Tumeric Fried Fish

It's an easy recipe. All it needs to do is to marinate fish with salt, lemon and tumeric. The normal recipe didn't season with lemon but it does the magic on its flavour.

b. "Bee Tai Bak" with fish

This is a recipe from dad.

It's a healthy yet simple meal. Both hubby and housewife love it so much. Did cook for mother-in-law and she also complimented on this dish. :P

Anyway, soup is the 'master' of the dish and it tells everything.
Soup base: Fish bone, dried scallop, ginger & anchovies
Ingredients: Vege, fresh fish seasoned with sesame oil & soy sauce, fried anchovies

c. Pumpkin Cake

This is a recipe from mother-in-law. Guess what? housewife could finish half of it because it's simply too yummy. On top of that, the preparation is simple.

For those who refrain from yam, you can replace it with pumpkin and housewife personally feel that it tastes better than yam. :) Oh ya, housewife want to remind everyone: Pumpkin invites 'farting'. Watch out!! :P

a. 2 small bowl of Flour with 3 small bowl of water, 1 teaspoon of salt & 'ajinomoto"
b. Fried pumpkin (cut into cube),red onion, fried dried shrimp separately
c. Mixed flour and all ingredients in the pot and stir.
d. Steam & Serve

d. "Otak-Otak"

This is a signature dish of mother-in-law - mouth-watering otak otak. Housewife couldn't find any good otak-otak in hometown after trying it. hehe...

It needs good otak-otak paste, leave (forgot its name), egg, coconut milk and fresh fish/prawn.

e. Pumpkin Rice

This is a new recipe housewife has just learnt. Very simple to prepare so even when you're busy at work, you can still enjoy home-cooked dinner at home with these few steps...

a. Fried red onion and dried shrimp
b. Cook pumpkin (cut it into cube)
c.  Mixed all ingredients with rice and cook in the rice cooker
d. Serve with spring onion.

f. "Kerabu"

This is like an appertizer but it serves well with 'bee hoon' or porridge. It's very appetizing.

Ingredients: Lime, onion, dried shrimp and chillies.

Mixed all ingredients and does it!

Alright, that's all for today...


Monday 13 June 2011

2011 = Travelling Year!

" Where are you now?" and "Where have you been?" seem to be a question from friends recently. :) Well, many of you may know that housewife is having a career break this year so this is gonna be a travelling year for hubby and housewife. LOL

Here's our travelling schedule 2011....

MAR : BALI (Done!)

MAY : "Balik Kaumpung",  Damar Laut & KL (Done!)

JUN : KL & Bandung (Confirmed!)

JUL : "Balik Kampung"  (Confirmed!)

AUG: "Balik Kampung" & KL (Tentative)

SEPT & OCT: Europe (Confirmed!)

Dec: Mission Trip in Cambodia (Tentative!)

Friends, now you know the best time to visit us huh?!! :D
We welcome you always as long as we're in town!!!

I'm BACK!!!

Hi friends, how are you doing? :D


Finally housewife is back home in Lion City after a series of events. :D Well, the events are still going on but at least housewife can take a breath for a moment. Of course, housewife miss bloggong so much and can't wait to get in touch with all friends here....

Housewife is going to blog the saga of holidays when things are more settled...

After a long break, there's a long list of task-to-do on hands now...

a. House chores
Yeah, needless to say, you can imagine the pile of works waiting for housewife after a long break...

b. Driving test
Housewife and hubby finally decided to go for driving test but we're behind schedule in studying since   we are on the move for the past few weeks. It's time to catch up!

c. Car Search 
 Housewife and hubby are looking for a car to start a new driving life in Lion City. The shortlisted list are  Honda CRV, Stream or Toyota Wish. Hubby prefer CRV so housewife got to start 'look-see look
 see'   gain. Some friends suggested Toyota Mark X which housewife came to know it for the first time but both of us don't really like it so we gave it a pass... well, car lovers, any recommendation??? :)

d. Europe Trip Itinerary Planning
 Finally, housewife and hubby have booked flight tickets for Europe trip in Sept/Oct.  Hurray!! Europe here we come!!  The most exciting thing is housewife is going to meet with "K-daughter" and best friend.. :D Okay, housewife should start planning for the trip....

e. House Renovation
Honestly, renovation is going to be a major project for both housewife and hubby. We look forward to it and have discussed about it over the periods of time. If budget allow, there might be a big revamp we're going to do. Seriously, we can't wait to build our first home in life. :D

f. Activities...
Of course, there are many activities in town for the coming weekends too such as Singapore Badminton Opening, wedding invitation, housewarming, painting, friend's dinner invitation and bla bla bla... Oh dear, God knows housewife well and send many activities to keep housewife busy so housewife won't
complain  about broing life again.. LOL..

Alright, that's all for today!!!

Talk to you soon

Miss ya!