Monday 13 June 2011

I'm BACK!!!

Hi friends, how are you doing? :D


Finally housewife is back home in Lion City after a series of events. :D Well, the events are still going on but at least housewife can take a breath for a moment. Of course, housewife miss bloggong so much and can't wait to get in touch with all friends here....

Housewife is going to blog the saga of holidays when things are more settled...

After a long break, there's a long list of task-to-do on hands now...

a. House chores
Yeah, needless to say, you can imagine the pile of works waiting for housewife after a long break...

b. Driving test
Housewife and hubby finally decided to go for driving test but we're behind schedule in studying since   we are on the move for the past few weeks. It's time to catch up!

c. Car Search 
 Housewife and hubby are looking for a car to start a new driving life in Lion City. The shortlisted list are  Honda CRV, Stream or Toyota Wish. Hubby prefer CRV so housewife got to start 'look-see look
 see'   gain. Some friends suggested Toyota Mark X which housewife came to know it for the first time but both of us don't really like it so we gave it a pass... well, car lovers, any recommendation??? :)

d. Europe Trip Itinerary Planning
 Finally, housewife and hubby have booked flight tickets for Europe trip in Sept/Oct.  Hurray!! Europe here we come!!  The most exciting thing is housewife is going to meet with "K-daughter" and best friend.. :D Okay, housewife should start planning for the trip....

e. House Renovation
Honestly, renovation is going to be a major project for both housewife and hubby. We look forward to it and have discussed about it over the periods of time. If budget allow, there might be a big revamp we're going to do. Seriously, we can't wait to build our first home in life. :D

f. Activities...
Of course, there are many activities in town for the coming weekends too such as Singapore Badminton Opening, wedding invitation, housewarming, painting, friend's dinner invitation and bla bla bla... Oh dear, God knows housewife well and send many activities to keep housewife busy so housewife won't
complain  about broing life again.. LOL..

Alright, that's all for today!!!

Talk to you soon

Miss ya!

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